Project Finance NewsWire

June 2008


A Hot Solar Market

There are two types of solar projects: photovoltaic, where sunlight is converted directly into electricity through solar panels or thin film, and concentrating solar power or solar thermal project...

Securitizations of Tax Revenues in Mexico

State and municipal governments in Mexico have been securitizing, or borrowing against, future tax collections as a way of raising needed funds to pay for infrastructure projects and to refinance ...

Calculating How Much Tax Equity Can Be Raised

Many developers of renewable energy projects in the United States are struggling to model their projects correctly so that they can calculate how much tax equity can be raised to help pay the proj...

Toll Road Outlook

Chadbourne hosts a meeting each year at its offices in New York with P3Americas to discuss the outlook for privatized road projects in the United States. The meeting this year was in March...

Ten Legal Traps for Investors in India

Ten legal requirements are traps for the unwary for foreigners investing in India. Each is relatively uncomplicated but often holds up and frustrates investors...

Carbon Reduction Projects in Africa

Given its obvious need for foreign investment and the fact that, as a continent, Africa is especially at risk from climate change, it may be considered surprising that African countries have been ...