Project Finance NewsWire

February 2017


Cost of capital: 2017 outlook

The Trump presidency and the likelihood of corporate tax reform have added an element of unpredictability to the year ahead...

Saudi renewables: reset and launch

Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producer, is relaunching its renewable energy program. Recent government communications suggest a determination to press ahead rapidly...

Trump and Africa

US government programs to promote construction of new power projects in Africa face an uncertain future after the US elections. President Trump said little about Africa during the campaign...

Off the grid in Africa

Several new business models are helping off-grid energy projects get traction in sub-Saharan Africa...

2017 market trends

More than 250 people gathered in New Orleans at the annual Infocast projects and money conference in January to hear what the year ahead might hold in terms of deal flow...

The art of the deal: An alternative view

by John Schuster, with JLS Capital Strategies in Washington Home life teaches all the basic negotiating skills that one needs to succeed in the project finance market...

Solar tax equity update

Solar passed wind as the largest share of the US tax equity market in 2015, but appears, based on preliminary numbers, to have slipped behind wind in 2016. The year ahead could be challenging...

Environmental update

Congress and the Trump administration are moving to reverse a number of environmental regulations that affect the US energy sector.


Wind taxes

Oklahoma is considering imposing a tax on electricity generated from wind. The governor, Mary Fallin (R), proposed such a tax of 0...

R&D deductions for power plants

A power company was able to deduct part of the cost of a new power plant immediately on grounds that the spending was on research and development...

Municipal projects

Municipalities hiring private contractors to operate municipal facilities now have more flexibility...

IRS draws lines for MLPs

Master Limited Partnerships must adapt to new guidelines. The IRS settled in January what types of minerals and natural resources businesses may operate as master limited partnerships or MLPs...

California franchise taxes

California lost again in its effort to collect franchise taxes from passive investors in limited liability companies doing business in the state...

US generating capacity

US generating capacity stood at 1,183,740 megawatts at the start of 2017. Coal continues to fall as a percentage of the total. Current coal capacity is 291,790 megawatts, or 24...

Minor memos

Minor Memos. Solar electricity is expected to be the cheapest generating source by the middle of the next decade. The winning bids in auctions to procure solar projects were US2...