Event Details


Global | January 09, 2020

On December 19, 2019, the Advocate General (AG) concluded that, in his opinion (which is non-binding), the EU Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) are a valid mechanism to transfer personal data outside of the European Economic Area, but expressed doubts over the Privacy Shield.

On Thursday January 9 our international data privacy group will be hosting a webinar to discuss:

  • Why the AG’s opinion is so interesting and what it could mean for the future of data transfers if followed by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
  • The undiscussed issues of the original referral that the CJEU could pick up on.
  • How the opinion, if followed by the CJEU, may impact the Privacy Shield when the case of La Quadrature du Net v Commission is heard.
  • Possible implications for the UK’s application for an adequacy finding post-Brexit.
  • What organisations can do to prepare for the final judgement and the outcome of La Quadrature du Net v Commission.

Watch now

Contact – Georgina Hobern


Head of Information Governance, Privacy and Cybersecurity, EMEA
Global Head of eDiscovery and Information Governance Head of Privacy, US
Partner, Co-Head of Cybersecurity