Norton Rose Fulbright advises ContourGlobal on the innovative financing of Cap des Biches power project in Senegal

Global Business December 22, 2015

Global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright has assisted international power generation company ContourGlobal on the financing of the renovation of the Cap des Biches power plant in Senegal that will reach a capacity of 53MW. The combined cycle power plant will operate on heavy fuel with an option to convert to natural gas.

Our lawyers have advised on the implementation of the innovative financing model of the project which was supported by International Finance Corporation (IFC) for the swap to EUR of Overseas Private Investment Corporation’s (OPIC) $91 million financing.

The Paris team advising ContourGlobal was led by head of energy for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Anne Lapierre, assisted by senior associate Simon Cudennec, Adnen Ben Naser and Estine Perrodo.

For further information please contact:

Carole Guettier, Senior business development manager, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Tél: + 33 (0)1 56 59 52 75

Charles Billiard, Communication executive, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Tél: + 33 (0)1 56 59 52 96

Eric Chauvelot, Agence Weber Shandwick
Tél : + 33 (0)1 47 59 56 57

About Norton Rose Fulbright’s Energy team in Paris:

Created in 2001, the Norton Rose Fulbright energy practice in Paris, led by Anne Lapierre and Arnaud Bélisaire, is comprised of seventeen lawyers and has a strong track record in renewable energies in France, Africa and Latin America.

Notes for editors:

Norton Rose Fulbright is a global law firm. We provide the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more than 3800 lawyers and other legal staff based in more than 50 cities across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Recognized for our industry focus, we are strong across all the key industry sectors: financial institutions; energy; infrastructure, mining and commodities; transport; technology and innovation; and life sciences and healthcare.

Wherever we are, we operate in accordance with our global business principles of quality, unity and integrity. We aim to provide the highest possible standard of legal service in each of our offices and to maintain that level of quality at every point of contact.

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