The Banking and Finance Academy is designed for our junior finance lawyers and those of our banking clients interested in a greater understanding of LMA style facility agreements and associated key debt finance legal topics. A summary of the course, which is held in our London office at least twice a year, is set out below. Our next course will be held in person from 14-17 October 2024.

Term sheets and facility types

A recap of the different types of loan facilities, a discussion of the purpose of term sheets generally, looking at the LMA precedent term sheet, an exercise reviewing a draft term sheet.

Overview of LMA style loan agreement

Considering the basic architecture of a syndicated loan agreement by reference to a Loan Market Association style document; understanding the multitude of contractual relationships and the purpose of key provisions.

Representations, undertakings and events of default

A discussion of the purpose of representations, undertakings and events of default in loan agreements, how the provisions work together, and the key LMA investment grade clauses. Exercises are included reviewing the representations section of a loan agreement and some of the key undertakings and events of default, focusing on how these sections may be drafted and negotiated in practice.

Loan agreement negotiation exercise

A three way negotiation exercise requiring review of a facility agreement and analysis of comments received for the borrower, agent and syndicate lender.

Syndicated facilities and loan transfers

A discussion of how a syndicated facility agreement is documented, the key parties, their roles and duties, and the methods in English law of transferring loan participations.

Introduction to Intercreditor Arrangements

An introduction to intercreditor arrangements in leveraged debt transactions.

Introduction to debt capital markets and derivatives

An introduction to capital markets issues and hedging.

Tax for finance transactions

A discussion of the tax provisions commonly provided for in loan agreements.

Introduction to Sustainable finance

An introduction to the main sustainable finance products and regulatory standards, as well as considerations in structuring these transactions.


To register for the Banking Academy, please email Client Training:

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