Event Details

Breakfast seminar

Houston, Texas | March 27, 2019

The laws applicable to nonprofit organizations are complex and continually evolving. Combined with the regular change of applicable compliance obligations, all nonprofit organizations must ensure that they have appropriate procedures in place to address and comply with these new challenges.

Please join us, along with Blazek & Vetterling, as we discuss these risk areas for nonprofit organizations.

Topics include:

  • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act update
  • New accounting standards defining conditional and unconditional pledges, and impact on grantors and grantees
  • Enforceability of charitable pledges and best documentation practices
  • State sales tax issues arising from Wayfair
  • Fiscal responsibility, Board duties, internal controls and FASB rules

We have one of the largest nonprofit practices in the United States. Our nonprofit organizations group comprises professionals across a diverse range of practices with experience in all aspects of nonprofit entity formation, governance and operation. As a result of our comprehensive knowledge of nonprofits, we are able to advise on a wide range of issues ranging from the most common to the most unusual.

Blazek & Vetterling is a unique collective of accountants with specialized knowledge and experience with tax-exempt organizations. Blazek & Vetterling exclusively serve over 450 nonprofit organizations, governmental units, and employee benefits plans. In addition to providing professional accounting and tax services to nonprofit organizations, Blazek & Vetterling teaches locally and nationally, writes books and technical articles and serves on boards of directors. Their philosophy of service is to understand the unique issues that each nonprofit organization faces and to approach them in a professional, business-oriented manner.


7:00 am – Breakfast and registration

7:30 am – Program

9:00 am – Adjourn



Of Counsel
Senior Counsel
Senior Counsel