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Topic: Sovereign disputes

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International Arbitration Report: Issue 21 out now

February 15, 2024

The latest version of our International Arbitration Report produced by the global International Arbitration team has just been released.

Sovereign state immunity from anti-suit injunctions

November 22, 2022

UK P&I Club N.V. & Anor v Republica Bolivariana De Venezuela [2022] EWHC 1655 (Comm) provides guidance on the factors the English courts will consider when deciding whether a state should benefit from state immunity and whether injunctive relief can be granted against a state.

State-owned entities and the limits of sovereign immunity

September 15, 2021

A High Court decision provides a helpful review of the position as to when a state-owned entity can rely on sovereign immunity.

Further guidance on the Kalmneft factors

June 17, 2021

A decision by the Commercial Court interprets the relevant principles for assessing applications for extensions of time to challenge arbitral awards, and the reasonableness of acts by sovereign states in such a situation.