Minneapolis lawyers appointed to INTA committees

United States Press release - People October 8, 2021

The International Trademark Association (INTA) has appointed Felicia Boyd and Tim Kenny (Minneapolis) to the INTA Bulletin committee and Pro-Bono committee, respectively, for the 2022 – 2023 term.

INTA committee members drive the initiatives and programs of the association and focus on specific objectives within three umbrellas: advocacy, resources and communications. They work to assess and address a wide range of trademark and intellectual property issues. Both Boyd and Kenny were selected for the committees because of their dedication, knowledge and contributions to intellectual property law.

As a member of the INTA Bulletin committee, Boyd will assist in producing content for the INTA Bulletin and China Bulletin, drafting articles on policy, trademark law and practice and community news.

As a member of the Pro Bono committee, Kenny will help identify and develop opportunities to serve low-income individuals, small-to-medium enterprises and non-profit or charitable organizations with low operating budgets that might not have access to legal assistance.

Founded in 1878, INTA is a not-for-profit association dedicated to protecting and promoting trademark owners' rights, securing helpful legislation and giving aid and encouragement to all efforts for the advancement and observance of trademark rights.


Head of Brands, United States
Head of Intellectual Property, United States