On February 20, 2024, the Regulator published its annual report providing an overview of the occupational DB and hybrid pension scheme landscape in the UK.

The report covers scheme status, membership levels and assets under management. The key findings are that the DB and hybrid landscape continues to shrink at a consistent rate and scheme funding levels have improved since 2022. However, updated methodology means that data in this publication cannot be meaningfully compared with previous years.

According to the report, the total number of DB and hybrid schemes has reduced by two per cent from 5,378 in 2022 to 5,297. For schemes within the landscape, the percentage closed to future accrual (excluding those in wind-up) has risen from 70 per cent to 72 per cent. In addition, the number of schemes with 100 per cent or greater technical provisions funding levels increased from 2,565 to 3,620 and the total deficit (of schemes in deficit) reduced from £63.610bn to £27.673bn.

Following the announcement in 2023 of the proposed Mansion House reforms, a consultation is awaited on how schemes might generate and use surpluses investing more in productive assets.



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