In a previous publication, we announced the publication of two proposed regulations intended to broaden the scope of professional acts that Quebec pharmacists are permitted to perform. 

One of these proposed regulations, the Règlement sur l’amorce et la modification d’une thérapie médicamenteuse, sur l’administration d’un médicament et sur la prescription de tests par un pharmacien (Regulation respecting the initiation and amendment of a drug therapy, the administration of a drug and the prescribing of tests by a pharmacist), proposes, among other things, to introduce “advanced practice agreements in partnership,” providing a framework in which pharmacists may work with specialized physicians or nurse practitioners. The aim is to regulate and facilitate collaborative practices already in place in interdisciplinary environments in which pharmacists work closely with other healthcare professionals. 

Advanced practice agreements in partnership could be appropriate in healthcare institutions and other types of institutions and entities, including family medicine groups. These partnership agreements will be subject to certain terms and requirements, including: 

  • Eligibility: These partnership agreements could be entered into between a pharmacist and another professional if they share a client base and a single record providing patient information that may be consulted in a timely fashion.
  • Mandatory clauses: The partnership agreement will have to be set out in writing and specify certain details, including the type of clientele served or excluded, the services or care provided or excluded, the procedure to follow for consultation and intervention requests, and the method of communication between the partner professionals.
  • Intervention of the partner professional: Pharmacists in such a partnership can request intervention by a partner professional as needed by stating the reason for the request and by specifying the degree of urgency. After the partner professional has intervened, the pharmacist will continue to carry out his or her activities with the patient, but within the limitations of the work plan determined by that professional.
  • Annual declaration: Pharmacists bound by a partnership agreement must make an annual declaration thereof to the Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec.

For more information, please contact us, consult our blog or the Règlement sur l’amorce et la modification d’une thérapie médicamenteuse, sur l’administration d’un médicament et sur la prescription de tests par un pharmacien

The Office des professions du Québec invites those interested to submit comments on the proposed regulations before July 27, 2020. The address to be used to send comments or to obtain additional information about the proposed regulations is published in the Gazette officielle du Québec. You can also contact us for assistance in presenting your comments.



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