Julia Fleminks

Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

The Netherlands
T:+31 (20) 4629455
The Netherlands
T:+31 (20) 4629455
Julia Fleminks

Julia Fleminks


Related services and key industries


Julia Fleminks is a regulatory, compliance and investigations lawyer (advocaat) based in Amsterdam. She advises multinational corporations and financial institutions on a wide variety of regulatory and compliance aspects, including fraud, anti-bribery, corruption, and anti-money laundering.

Prior to joining the regulatory, compliance and investigations team, Julia worked as litigation lawyer at Norton Rose Fulbright.

Julia holds an LL.M. degree in both private law and criminal law from the University of Amsterdam. She was admitted to the Amsterdam Bar Association in February 2022.

Professional experience

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Master, Privaatrecht (Private law): de commerciële rechtspraktijk, University of Amsterdam

Master, Strafrecht (Criminal law), University of Amsterdam

Bachelor in de Rechten / Rechten en rechtwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam

International Law, Sapienza Università di Roma

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