Marla Dittrick

Marla Dittrick
Marla Dittrick is the manager of the corporate services department in Vancouver. The corporate services department maintains the records of 3,000 corporate entities. Marla oversees the day-to-day operations of the department and implements policies and procedures to ensure that efficient services are provided to our corporate clients.
Having worked in the legal industry since 1999, Marla has extensive experience in corporate matters, including incorporations, amalgamations, charter amendments, continuances, dissolutions and restorations. She is involved with transactions involving routine and complex tax-driven corporate reorganizations and mergers and acquisitions. Marla conducts due diligence reviews of minute books and prepares reports on deficiencies as well as preparing documents to resolve such deficiencies. She also coordinates various due diligence searches and prepares due diligence reports on proposed target companies.
Professional experience
Paralegal Certificate, Capilano University, 2004
Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten
Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten
- BC Paralegal Association
- International Practice Management Association