Will Hodges

Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

United Kingdom
T:+44 02 74445288
United Kingdom
T:+44 02 74445288
Will Hodges

Will Hodges


Related services and key industries

Professional experience

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Will specialises in all forms of Construction and Engineering law, across contentious, noncontentious
and finance matters. He acts for a wide range of clients in the construction, energy and
finance sectors, from energy companies, plant/project owners, developers, and construction
professionals, through to major banks, funders, investors, and corporate purchasers.

Will's contentious experience spans all forms of dispute resolution forums including pre-action
negotiations, court proceedings, arbitration, adjudication and mediation. He was part of the team
acting for a Defendant in WM Morrisons Supermarkets Plc & Neerock Ltd v Lorien Engineering
Solutions Ltd & Ors, a high value TCC dispute surrounding works carried out to an abattoir in the
UK and has continued involvement in complex and high value high court and arbitration cases. Will
also routinely advises and acts for clients on adjudication proceedings.

In terms of non-contentious work, will commonly advises clients on their risk and provides
pragmatic, commercial-thinking support to assist with negotiating contracts. He is involved with a
number of projects, at varying stages of their life cycle, from drafting building contracts and
consultant appointments, reporting on key areas of risk such as liability, intellectual property rights
and the procuring of collateral warranties, through to advising on payment application and contract
termination issues. Will has previously spent a period of time on secondment carrying out contract
reviews and providing negotiation support, for a major national contractor/subcontractor PLC.

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