Event Details

Série de webinaires

Mondial | January – June 2022

Our virtual business skills webinar programme is designed to support your personal development needs, and is available now for you to sign-up online.

Led by our experienced in-house Learning and Development team, the programme will be run online and is exclusively available to our clients. The series includes topics such as personal brand, persuade and influence for success and writing effective emails.

Write effective emails | Tuesday 29 March | 13.00-14.00 HKT, 14.00-15.00 JST
Effective emails

Think about the emails that you receive and write every day. How effective are they? Do they get the right results? We will look at how you can improve the quality of your email communications so that you achieve the outcomes you want. We will cover tone, style, eliminating superfluous words, using structure and layout to support your message, and tailoring your message to suit your audience.


Brett Dengate, Senior Learning & Development Consultant, Australia 

How to be a go-to delegatee | Tuesday 26 April | 13.00-14.00 HKT, 14.00-15.00 JST
Go-to delegate

Delegation is critical to successful organisations. It fosters trust, boosts morale, promotes high productivity and efficiency, and generates a culture of enthusiasm, innovation, creativity, cooperation and openness. As a ‘delegatee’, managing the way you receive and agree to do delegated tasks is one of the central skills of 'managing upwards'. A successful delegatee inspires credibility, delivers output at a high quality and has a successful brand in the organisation. This course explores the competencies of a successful delegatee.


Brett Dengate, Senior Learning & Development Consultant, Australia  

Managing upwards | Wednesday 25 May | 13.00-14.00 HKT, 14.00-15.00 JST
Managing upwards

Many people report to one or more managers. These relationships play a crucial role in their success at work. Understanding how best to work with those to whom you report, by flexing your written and communication styles, can be enormously beneficial. We will discuss both the rationale behind upwards management and the steps to become more effective at it.


Brett Dengate, Senior Learning & Development Consultant, Australia  

Self confidence | Thursday 9 June | 13.00-14.00 HKT, 14.00-15.00 JST
Self confidence

When we feel confident we tend to radiate positive energy, have increased levels of performance and can effectively deal with the ups and downs of life. Yet we all have areas in which we tend to feel less confident. No one is immune to bouts of insecurity, but they don’t have to hold you back. This session will explore the nature of mindset, help you determine your high and low confidence areas, and provide you with strategies to help you build and portray a more confident approach.


Brett Dengate, Senior Learning & Development Consultant, Australia  

Energise your time at work | Wednesday 22 June | 13.00-14.00 HKT, 14.00-15.00 JST

Time is a precious commodity which needs to be used wisely. The key to this is being cogent about how you currently spend your time, and making changes so that you spend time on those things that achieve your business and social goals. We will look at how to focus, plan and prioritise appropriately so that you get more things done in the time that you have.


Brett Dengate, Senior Learning & Development Consultant, Australia