Peter John McBurney

Legal Consultant
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

United Kingdom
T :+44 20 7444 5027
United Kingdom
T :+44 20 7444 5027

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Peter McBurney is a consultant at the firm in the areas of Distributed Ledger Technology, Cryptocurrencies, ICOs and AI. He is Professor of Computer Science and a former Head of the Department of Informatics at King's College London.

Peter has a first degree and university medal in Mathematical Statistics and Pure Mathematics from the Australian National University in Canberra and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Liverpool. At King's College London he undertakes research on protocols for interaction between intelligent machines and their application to distributed ledgers and multi-agent systems.  

Expérience professionnelle

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Member of the Academic Advisory Council for Analytics of the UK Financial Conduct Authority.