Norton Rose Fulbright lawyers named to Benchmark Litigation’s Under 40 Hot List

États-Unis Recognition July 2, 2018

Benchmark Litigation has named five Norton Rose Fulbright lawyers to its third annual Under 40 Hot List.

Mark Oakes (Austin), Beau Cox (Dallas), Seth Kruglak (New York), Eric Herzog (Los Angeles) and Jeff Webb (San Antonio) were selected for the award created "to honor the achievements of the nation's most accomplished legal partners of the age of forty or younger."

The winners were selected after extensive research among litigation practitioners and case examination.

First published in 2008, Benchmark Litigation exclusively covers the litigation and disputes market in North America, covering the US, Canada and Mexico. The publication's full rankings guide is scheduled to publish in the fall.


Co-Head of Regulatory, Investigations, Securities and Compliance, United States
Co-Head of Energy and Infrastructure Disputes, United States