Event Details


États-Unis Accreditation 1.0 CLE | March 25, 2021

One Thursday a month, starting in March, Norton Rose Fulbright will host a series of informative webinars on hot topics covering transactional, regulatory, and tax related developments critical for hospitals, academic medical centers, universities, technology companies partnering with healthcare providers, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and others.

March 25 | Pharma delivers: Now what?

Pharmaceutical companies delivered on their promises to bring us pandemic-ending vaccines and in an amazing 180-degree turnaround, Americans now have a favorable view of the industry. Join our pharmaceutical and medical device litigation team as they discuss Norton Rose Fulbright's 16th Annual Litigation Trends Survey and read the tea leaves on upcoming MDL product liability, class action and economic loss litigation developments. We will also take a look at the current litigation trends in life sciences generally, pandemic ramifications, some big wins and big losses that may be future indicators and ways trial defendants can capitalize on the current goodwill.



Head of Life Sciences and Healthcare, US and Co-Head of Product Liability and Consumer Disputes, US
Senior Associate