Kai Fu

Special Counsel
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia


Kai is a competition and consumer lawyer based in Melbourne.

Kai advises clients on obtaining merger clearance from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), ACCC antitrust or consumer law investigations, and a range of competition and consumer law issues including exclusive dealing, cartel conduct, misleading or deceptive conduct and consumer guarantees.

Prior to joining Norton Rose Fulbright, Kai was a Director in the mergers investigation team at the ACCC, leading the review of major mergers and related merger litigation. Kai was also a Director in the Small Business & Industry Codes team, working closely with the fast moving consumer goods and franchising sectors in particular. Kai also assisted the Exemptions team on a range of covid-related authorisation applications. Kai also has previous private practice experience working on a range of cartel and other antitrust matters.

Expérience professionnelle

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  • Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Science, University of Melbourne (2007)
  • Supreme Court of Victoria 2009
  • High Court of Australia 2009
  • Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Limited -  obtaining Federal Court orders enabling its merger with TPG.*
  • National grocery retailer – defence of ACCC proceedings in relation to unconscionable conduct.*
  • Global airline – defence of ACCC proceedings in relation to price fixing.*
  • Advising various businesses in relation to ACCC investigations on a range of alleged antitrust and consumer law breaches including misleading and deceptive conduct, exclusive dealing, misuse of market power, unconscionable conduct and failure to comply with the consumer guarantees.*
  • Supporting businesses to develop electronic competition and consumer law training programs, particularly in the retail, consumer goods and manufacturing sectors.*


*Experience gained prior to joining Norton Rose Fulbright

  • English
  • Mandarin Chinese