LIBOR ceased to be published as a floating rate benchmark at the end of 2021 (except for USD LIBOR which continues to be published until June 2023).  Remediating IBOR based contracts presented the market with a significant challenge.

The transition from IBORs to alternate reference rates (ARRs) or risk free rates continues to have a considerable impact on the financial markets. Regulators have required regulated firms to understand the risks this poses to their business, remodel their systems and repaper legacy contracts to ensure smooth transition.

This resource hub includes updates, useful guides, briefings and events on navigating the transition from LIBOR around the world.

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LIBOR transition checklist

Managing LIBOR transition will start with a full impact assessment covering all areas of your business that are exposed to IBOR. We have identified a checklist of key issues to consider when developing your IBOR transition strategy.

IBOR checklist

Download the checklist

Digital concept with locks

A remediation solution for IBOR transition project teams

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