Archive: June 2022
Subscribe to June 2022Webinar | The Buy Now Pay Later global landscape and latest trends | Wednesday 6th July @8.30am and 3pm BST
June 30, 2022
Join our global FinTech team to hear about the developing regulatory approaches and trends in the BNPL sector across the world.
Bill C-26: a first step at reinforcing Canadian cybersecurity
June 30, 2022
On June 14, the House of Commons introduced Bill C-26: An Act respecting cyber security, amending the Telecommunications Act and making consequential amendments to other Acts (Bill C-26).
HM Treasury policy paper: Review of the UK’s AML/CFT regulatory and supervisory regime
June 30, 2022
On 24 June 2022, HM Treasury published two post-implementation reviews and a forward looking review of the UK’s anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) regime.
Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee: Terms of reference
June 30, 2022
On 24 June 2022, there was published the terms of reference of the Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee (Committee).
The Committee comprises of the Competition and Markets Authority, Financial Conduct Authority, Payment Systems Regulator and HM Treasury. The Committee’s role is to oversee the planning and preparation for the future open banking entity and consider the vision and strategic road-map for further developing open banking. The Committee will also be responsible for overseeing and, where applicable, monitoring the future entity, once set up, until a permanent regulatory framework is in place.
The Committee comprises of the Competition and Markets Authority, Financial Conduct Authority, Payment Systems Regulator and HM Treasury. The Committee’s role is to oversee the planning and preparation for the future open banking entity and consider the vision and strategic road-map for further developing open banking. The Committee will also be responsible for overseeing and, where applicable, monitoring the future entity, once set up, until a permanent regulatory framework is in place.
UK GDPR Reform: government publishes response to consultation: likely to form basis of forthcoming UK Data Reform Bill
June 30, 2022
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has finally published the UK government’s long-awaited response to the consultation on the future of the UK data protection regime.
ECB speech ‘Bringing European payments to the next stage: a public-private endeavour’
June 30, 2022
On 16 June 2022, the European Central Bank (ECB) published a speech by Executive Board member Fabio Panetta entitled ‘Bringing European payments to the next stage: a public-private endeavour’. In his speech Mr Panetta discusses the EU’s retail payments strategy and the introduction of a digital euro.
The aftermath of an incident: why keeping records of data breaches and privacy incidents matters
June 30, 2022
As privacy incidents and security breaches involving personal information become increasingly frequent, organizations are more and more aware of the importance of implementing a robust privacy program to mitigate the risks and impacts of such incidents. While this preparation is important, organizations must also consider the aftermath of a privacy incident. In this first blog post, we will discuss legal obligations and procedural considerations regarding record-keeping of privacy incidents.
KryptoFAV: Germany introduces crypto fund units as part of dematerialisation of securities law
June 30, 2022
Germany further broadens the scope of its new legislative regime for electronic securities: On 18 June 2022, the German Regulation on Crypto Fund Units (Verordnung über Kryptofondsanteile – KryptoFAV; link) entered into force. The KryptoFAV introduces the possibility to issue units in common funds (Sondervermögen) via decentralised crypto securities registers which are typically based on distributed ledger technology (DLT).
UK commits to reform of the Consumer Credit Act
June 30, 2022
On 16 June 2022, the government announced that it would be reforming the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and move much of the Act from statute to the FCA Handbook. The reforms will build on the recommendations of the FCA’s retained provisions report and the Woolard Review – which both made recommendations for a reformed regime. A consultation is expected to be published by the end of this year outlining the government’s proposals, and seeking views from stakeholders on how the Act should be reformed.
Government responds to BNPL consultation
June 30, 2022
On 20 June 2022, HM Treasury published the government’s response to its October 2021 consultation on the regulation of Buy-Now Pay-Later (BNPL) products.