As of March 26, 2022, Hawaii removed its indoor mask mandate, making it the final US state to remove its COVID-19 indoor mask restrictions. In lifting the restrictions, Governor David Ige announced:

Together, we have reduced COVID-19 in Hawai‘i to the point where most of us will be safe without masks indoors . . . Right now, hospitalizations are trending down. Case counts are falling. We are better at treating people who are infected. Booster shots are saving lives. And the CDC has rated the state’s COVID-19 community level as “low”. However, the state will be ready to reinstitute the mask policy if COVID case numbers surge.1

Settings where masks are still recommended indoors in Hawaii include:

  • Schools
  • Hospitals and healthcare facilities
  • Long term care facilities
  • Shelters
  • Correctional facilities
  • Other congregate living settings

On March 26, 2022, Hawaii also ended its Safe Travels program. Passengers arriving from domestic points of origin after March 26, 2022 will no longer be required to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination or a pre-travel negative test result. Incoming passengers will also no longer be required to create a Safe Travels account or provide travelers’ information and trip details. Similarly, beginning on March 26, 2022, state/county employees and visitors to state facilities will no longer be required to provide vaccination status or negative COVID test results.

On the county level, the County of Kauai, the County of Maui and the County of Hawaii repealed their COVID-19 Emergency Rules between February and March of 2022. The City and County of Honolulu's Safe Access Oahu program ended on March 6, 2022. The program had previously required all employees, contractors and volunteers of businesses, such as restaurants, bars, gyms, movie theaters, arcades and other similar establishments, to show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test result each week in order to operate.

Transition to weekly COVID-19 reporting

In March 2022, the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) transitioned from daily to weekly COVID-19 data reporting. Case counts and vaccination updates will be published on the DOH COVID-19 dashboard every Wednesday, beginning on March 16, 2022.


1   See Office of the Governor Press Release dated March 8, 2022.

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