Life in the Big Leagues

Publication September 22, 2015

by Steven Crighton, Daily Journal Staff Writer

For partners moving laterally to a firm that employs thousands of attorneys worldwide, getting settles requires a little more than a walk around the office and a company-wide introductory email. That's why many of the world's largest firms, including Dentons and Norton Rose Fulbright, now have fully fleshed out integration processes to help new hires acclimate as quickly as possible while preventing any hiccups in service to clients.

"We're not just taking them to lunch on the first day and showing them where the washrooms are. We're helping that individual come to the firm, establish the connections they need to make and meet the key individuals they need to meet," said John Connolly, Dentons chief talent officer.

Read the full article: Life in the Big Leagues

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