Inside sports law: Blog
The dawn of a new era for English football?
July 18, 2024
The King’s Speech contains the much anticipated announcement of a Football Governance Bill. This new bill, principally focused on helping ensure the financial sustainability of football clubs across England, is intended to ensure greater sustainability in the game and strengthen protections for fans.
Enhancing the integrity of Australian sport: Should a Commonwealth match-fixing offence and anti-money laundering controls be implemented?
April 30, 2024
The landscape of Australian sport has experienced a successful period in the wake of the challenging COVID-19 pandemic, spurred on by a series of record broadcasting deals fuelled by increasing viewership for both domestic and international sporting events.
Clean sport: World Athletics strengthens anti-doping measures ahead of Paris 2024
April 15, 2024
As pre-Olympics momentum builds, World Athletics’ (WA) recent decision to introduce more stringent Out-of-Competition (OOC) testing for athletes from Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Portugal demonstrates the willingness of global sporting administrators to ensure that the reputation of Paris 2024 remains untainted by doping scandal.
Group Litigation Orders in sport: Combining efforts in the pursuit of concussion compensation
January 25, 2024
In late 2023, the High Court heard an application for a Group Litigation Order (GLO) involving claims being brought against World Rugby Limited, Welsh Rugby Union Limited and Rugby Football Union (the Application).
European Super League: FIFA and UEFA caught offside by European Court of Justice decision
January 22, 2024
It was recently announced that FIFA and UEFA would appear before the Commercial Court of Madrid to discuss how to implement the ruling made on 21 December 2023 by the European Court of Justice (CJEU) in relation to the European Super League (ESL).
A Look At Competition Enforcers' 2026 World Cup Game Plan
November 02, 2023
The 2026 World Cup's North American hosts should generate benefits across the construction, entertainment and tourism industries.
The 2023-2024 season and beyond: What can sport learn from recent failings?
October 17, 2023
Between 2021 – 2023, a number of high profile inquiries examined the conduct, and culture of different sports, including football, gymnastics and cricket.
Failure to prevent fraud offence: What do professional sports teams need to know?
September 19, 2023
In an amendment to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill (the Bill), the UK Government is set to introduce a new failure to prevent fraud offence. Like the UK Bribery Act 2010 (the UKBA) more than a decade earlier, this new offence is likely to bring about significant changes to corporate criminal liability in the fraud space and will significantly affect the compliance and regulatory landscape for large sports organisations.
Antitrust and football: When competition meets competition law
July 20, 2023
Antitrust and professional football do not often appear in the same lineup, but it is worth considering a formation that includes both.
FIFA World Cup 2026 continues focus on human rights due diligence
July 20, 2023
For World Cup 2026, FIFA is integrating a multi-step human rights due diligence process, which was a prerequisite for cities interested in becoming Host Cities.