Jus Mundi: The Arbitration Toolkit for In-House Counsel

États-Unis Couverture médiatique septembre 2022

Mark Baker (Houston), global co-head of international arbitration, has contributed to the Jus Mundi practical guide for in-house counsel. The Arbitration Toolkit for In-House Counsel provides resources in order to be more autonomous in the management of arbitration strategy, collaborate better with external counsel and save on legal costs.

A member of the litigation and disputes team, Baker practices in the areas of complex commercial arbitration, investment arbitration, business litigation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). He has extensive experience in international and domestic arbitration, acting as both counsel and as arbitrator under all the major arbitral rules (including ICDR, AAA, ICC, LCIA, SCC, SIAC, ICSID, NAFTA, CPR, WIPO, CAS, CAM, CAFTA) as well as ad hoc disputes under UNCITRAL rules.

View the toolkit.


Global Head of International Arbitration